Home >>Plants >> Myrica rubra (Lour.) Zucc.

Myrica rubra (Lour.) Zucc.

Myrica rubra (Lour.) Zucc.

Myrica rubra, also called yangmei is a subtropical tree grown for its sweet, crimson to dark purple-red, edible fruit. It is native to eastern Asia, mainly in China, where it has been grown for at least 2000 years. Also naturalized in Taiwan, Japan, Nepal, Korea, and the Philippines. Astringent, carminative, vulnerary. The stem bark is used as a wash in the treatment of arsenic poisoning, skin diseases, wounds and ulcers. The fruit is carminative, pectoral and stomachic. The seed is used in the treatment of sweaty feet. The plant is used in the treatment of cholera, heart ailments and stomach diseases. containing a variety of MYRICA Rubra acid, vitamin c content is also very rich, not only directly involved in the metabolism of sugars in and redox processes, increase the permeability of capillaries, but also on reducing blood lipid, stop the efficacy of cancer cells in the body generated. Inhibition of bacteria such as Escherichia coli. contain vitamins c, b, have a positive effect on cancer anticancer.

Products from  Myrica rubra (Lour.) Zucc.

  1. Cat.No. Product Name CAS Number COA
  2. BCN5692 Myricetin 529-44-2 PDF
  3. BCN5160 Ampelopsin 27200-12-0 PDF
  4. BCN1136 Myricitrin 17912-87-7 PDF
  5. BCN5570 Hyperoside 482-36-0 PDF
  6. BCN5901 Baicalin 21967-41-9 PDF
  7. BCN4442 Salicyl alcohol 90-01-7 PDF