Home >>Plants >> Cudrania tricuspidata

Cudrania tricuspidata

Cudrania tricuspidata

Maclura tricuspidata is a tree native to East Asia, occasionally grown for its fruit, somewhat similar to that of the related mulberry (Morus spp.). It is also known by common names including cudrang, mandarin melon berry, silkworm thorn, zhe or che , and Chinese mulberry (but not to be confused with Morus australis also known by that name). It grows up to 6 m high. Ethyl Acetate Fraction from Cudrania Tricuspidata Inhibits IL-1β-Stimulated Osteoclast Differentiation through Downregulation of MAPKs, c-Fos and NFATc1. The anti-cancer effects of Cudrania tricuspidata stem (CTS) extract on cervical cancer cells. The effect of Cudrania tricuspidata stem on cell viability was investigated in HPV-positive cervical cancer cells and HaCaT human normal keratinocytes. Cudrania tricuspidata stem showed significant dose-dependent cytotoxic effects in cervical cancer cells. 

Products from  Cudrania tricuspidata

  1. Cat.No. Product Name CAS Number COA
  2. BCN6187 Cudraxanthone L 135541-40-1 PDF
  3. BCN6242 Kaempferol 3,4,7-triacetate 143724-69-0 PDF
  4. BCN1721 Kaempferol tetraacetate 16274-11-6 PDF
  5. BCN5705 1,3,5-Trihydroxy-4-prenylxanthone 53377-61-0 PDF
  6. BCN5760 Steppogenin 56486-94-3 PDF
  7. BCN4158 Alboctalol 62394-00-7 PDF
  8. BCN4398 Cudraxanthone B 84955-05-5 PDF
  9. BCN4513 Cudraxanthone D 96552-41-9 PDF
  10. BCN4587 Derrone 76166-59-1 PDF
  11. BCN3446 Cudraflavanone B 597542-74-0 PDF
  12. BCN3576 Euchrestaflavanone A 80510-05-0 PDF
  13. BCN3698 Isoderrone 121747-89-5 PDF