
Catalog No. BCN2990
CAS RN 84633-29-4
Molecular Weight 408.4
Molecular Formula C20H24O9
Database [PubChem]:382165419


A quassinoid isolated from Eurycoma longifolia and has been shown to exhibit antineoplastic and antimalarial activties.

Standard InChI


Biological Activity

Eurycomanone has cytotoxic on HepG2 cells and Human Cervical Carcinoma Cells by inducing apoptosis through the up-regulation of p53 and Bax, and down-regulation of Bcl-2.[1,2]
Eurycomanone exerts antiproliferative activity via apoptosis in Hela cells MCF-7cells .[3,4] and
Eurycomanone at viable therapeutic concentrations of 5–20μg/ml exhibits significant anti-proliferative and anti-clonogenic cell growth effects on A549 lung cancer cells, the treatment also resulted in suppression of the lung cancer cell tumor markers and several known cancer cell growth-associated genes.[5]
Eurycomanone enhances testosterone steroidogenesis at the Leydig cells by inhibiting aromatase conversion of testosterone to oestrogen, and at a high concentration may also involve phosphodiesterase inhibition, it may be worthy for further development as a phytomedicine to treat testosterone-deficient idiopathic male infertility and sterility.[6]
Eurycomanone and eurycomanol as regulators of signaling pathways involved in proliferation, cell death and inflammation.[7]
Eurycomanone possesses growth inhibition of P. berghei by combination of eurycomanone-artesunate with doses 30 mg/kgBW-artesunate 4mg/kgBW, suggests that this combination can be used as potential antimalarial drug.[8]

Product information

English website: Eurycomanone
Japanese website: Eurycomanone
Chinese website: Eurycomanone


[1] Zakaria Y, Rahmat A, Pihie A H L, et al. Cancer Cell Int, 2009, 9(1):1-21.
[2] Mahfudh N, Pihie A H L. J Cancer Mol, 2008, 4(4):109-15.
[3] Nurkhasanah, Azimahtol Hawariah Lope Pihie,Jalifah Latip. Majalah Farmasi Indonesia, 2009, 20(4): 190-7.
[4] Pihie A H L. Anticancer Res, 2004, 24(5D):3426-7.
[5] Wong P F, Cheong W F, Shu M H, et al.Phytomedicine, 2012, 19(2):138-44.
[6] Low B S, Choi S B, Wahab H A, et al. J Ethnopharmacol, 2013, 149(1):201-7.
[7] Hajjouli S, Chateauvieux S, Teiten M H, et al. Molecules, 2014, 19(9):14649-66.
[8] Yusuf H, Satria D. J Chem Pharm Res, 2016,(82):18-22.
[9] Khari N, Aisha A, Ismail Z. Trop J Pharm Res, 2014, 13(5):801-7.