
Catalog No. BCN2396
CAS RN 529-59-9
Molecular Weight 432.38
Molecular Formula C21H20O10
Database [PubChem]:382162080


Standard InChI


Biological Activity

Genistin and daidzin are among the major isoflavonoids in soybeans and soy products, 
genistin has antioxidant activity and anticarcinogenic properties, can inhibit UV light-induced plasmid DNA damage and cell growth in human melanoma cells.[1]
Genistein and genistin inhibit cell proliferation by disrupting the cell cycle, which is strongly associated with the arrest induction of either G1 or G2/M phase and may induce apoptosis, speculates that both genistein and genistin may prove useful as anticancer drugs and that the combination of genistein and genistin may have further anticancer activity.[2]
Dietary genistin can stimulate growth of estrogen-dependent breast cancer tumors similar to that observed with genistein.[3]
Genistin and daidzin have preventive effects on bone loss in ovariectomized rats fed a calcium-deficient diet.[4]

Product information

English website: Genistin
Japanese website: Genistin
Chinese website: Genistin


[1] Russo A, Cardile V, Lombardo L, et al. J Nut Biochem, 2006, 17(2):103-8.
[2] Choi E J, Kim T, Lee M S. Life Sci, 2007, 80(15):1403-8.
[3] Allred C D, Ju Y H, Allred K F, et al. Carcinogenesis, 2001, 22(10):1667-73.
[4] Ishida H, Uesugi T, Hirai K, et al. Biol Pharml Bull, 1998, 21(1):62-6.
[5] Suo Z R, Qin H Y, Li-Cheng D U.Chinese J Pharm Anal, 2009,29(10):1662-4.