Chlorogenic acid

Catalog No. BCN5906
CAS RN 327-97-9
Molecular Weight 354.31
Molecular Formula C16H18O9
Database [PubChem]:382159936


Standard InChI


Biological Activity

Chlorogenic acid, a phenolic compound found ubiquitously in plants, is an in vitro antioxidant and metal chelator, some derivatives of chlorogenic acid are hypoglycemic agents and may affect lipid metabolism;in vivo, chlorogenic acid can improve glucose tolerance, decrease some plasma and liver lipids, and improve mineral pool distribution.[1]
Chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid have antioxidant property, have effects on intestinal ischemia–reperfusion injury.[2]
Chlorogenic acid has antiviral activity, reduces serum DHBV level in DHBV-infected duckling model, shows inhibitory effect on HBV replication.[3]

Product information

English website: Chlorogenic acid
Japanese website: Chlorogenic acid
Chinese website: Chlorogenic acid


[1] Sotillo D V R D, Hadley M. J Nutr Biochem, 2002, 13(12):717-726.
[2] Sato Y, Itagaki S, Kurokawa T, et al.Int J Pharm, 2011, 403(1-2):136-138.
[3] Wang G F, Shi L P, Ren Y D, et al. Antivir Res, 2009, 83(2):186-90.
[4] Li X P, Yu J, Luo J Y, et al.Biomed Chromatogr, 2006, 20(2):206-10.